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Adventures Universe Reading Order
Visual Code:
Pink - The Unwilling Adventures of Harlow & Foxx
Blue - Adventures of Another Kind
Red - The Ridiculously Bloody Adventures
Current Reading Order:
1. At First Irritation (UAHF: 1) - Harlow/Foxx
2. Taste of Fear (UAHF: 2) - Harlow/Foxx
3. Unusual Emotions (UAHF: 3) - Harlow/Foxx
4. Thirst Quenched (UAHF: 4) - Harlow/Foxx
Release Year: 2025
5. False Morality (UAHF: 5) - Harlow/Foxx
6. Blue Bird (AAK: 1) - Iggy/Santiago
Release Year: 2026
7. Sugary Sweet (AAK: 2) - Jerry/Zane
8. Death Follows (UAHF: 6) - Harlow/Foxx
Release Year: 2027
9. Treasure Amongst the Junk (RBA: 1) Gavin/Wes
10. Buried Deep (AAK: 3) - Tony/Naos
11. Temptation of Fates (UAHF: 7) - Harlow/Foxx
Release Year: 2028
12. Wounded Dove (AAK: 4) - Alastair/Daydric
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